Farmers from around the region are hosting raffle locations at their fields. Each stop shows a different conservation practice in field and will include information on the field history, what's been learned so far, and what is still being studied.
You can visit sites any time starting July 10th at your own pace. This will be a self-guided tour around the region.
On Thursday, July 13, come to Jon-De Farms (2041 30th Ave, Baldwin, WI) for a meal with host farmers and raffle prizes. For each site you stop to see, you get a ticket.

More locations are still being added but so far include:
• Haney testing & nitrogen ROI
• Demo plots looking at tillage practices and cover crops
• Nitrogen optimization research plots
• Small grains rotation & lysimeter study plots
• Strip-till next to no-till in rye
• Low disturbance manure injection & planting green
• Double cropping with triticale
• Haney testing & nitrogen ROI
• Demo plots looking at tillage practices and cover crops
• Nitrogen optimization research plots
• Small grains rotation & lysimeter study plots
• Strip-till next to no-till in rye
• Low disturbance manure injection & planting green
• Double cropping with triticale